I am sure you all have heard of the fiddle leaf fig tree (also known as the ficus lyrata). They have a reputation of being beautiful and also quite difficult to keep alive.
A dying or dead fiddle leaf can leave you a bit heartbroken. Those beautiful leaves start to drop and it’s a pitiful process to witness. If you’ve had one die or you’re just too intimidated to get one, then I hope this post helps.
Related: Learn how to care for Rubber Trees, Calathea, Monstera Plants, Pilea Plants, String of Pearls, Snake Plants, Spider Plants, and Golden Pothos. Or, check our our full plants archive.
Table of Contents
Potting Fiddle Leafs
You bring a gorgeous fiddle leaf home … now what? Most of these trees come in thin/cheap plastic containers when you first purchase them. I like to take my tree out of these suckers as soon as I get home. For pots, I use good ol’ terracotta pots.
My mom taught me to never use plastic pots but use clay or earthenware because it allows the soil to “breathe.” If you get an earthenware pot, make sure it has a hole for drainage. Drainage is vital to a fiddle leaf.
If you don’t have a hole at the bottom of your pot, then the water can pool inside and cause the roots to rot, which can kill your plant. Fiddle leaves don’t like to stay soggy. I will get a pot that is not much bigger than the original pot that it came in. The roots like to be somewhat snug in the pot.
Next, fill the bottom of the pot with some small stones or a drainage disc. These stones aid with drainage and also help the dirt not drain out when you are watering it.
Pour dirt all around the sides, making sure your tree stays straight. Once the sides are filled with dirt, I put my hand down along the sides and make sure the dirt is pushed down all the way.
My favorite potting mix is actually a cactus/palm mix found at local hardware stores. The potting mix has sand in it which helps keep the soil loose and also helps with drainage. I’ve used this mix for years and love it!
How Much Light do Fiddle Plants Need?
This thing loves the light!! If you get a fiddle leaf, then find a window with ample light. Be sure that it is bright, indirect light. Don’t stick it in a corner away from the sunlight (if you can help it). Its leaves love to drink up the light so keep it in a bright, sunny spot in your home.
Since the tree thrives on bright light, it is very important to keep the leaves clean from dust and dirt. If the leaves get too dusty, they can actually “suffocate” when they don’t have a clean surface. Thanks, photosynthesis!
Every week or so, I wipe the leaves with a wet cloth and get all of the dirt and dust removed. After the leaves are cleaned, I use a leaf shine spray to make them extra glossy.
Since this tree loves drinking up the light, it will eventually start leaning towards the sun. Rotate the tree slightly (some people do every time they water or once a month) and this will help keep the tree straight and balanced.
Where in my House Should I Put my Fiddle Leaf?
The fiddle leaf is not a huge fan of being moved around. It loves stability and moving it around your house can actually cause the leaves to drop. You can take it to the sink to water it, but moving it for extended periods of time can cause problems.
I never really believed this until I tried it and my fiddle leaf did indeed drop leaves. Another tip is to not have your tree in a drafty area. Near a door (especially during winter) or a vent can really irritate the tree. Find a spot in your home that’s not near a door or vent and has loads of sunshine!
Watering Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees
Overwatering your tree can be deadly and waiting too long to water it (when it is bone dry) can cause the leaves to brown and drop. I typically water mine once a week, but always check to see if it is ready to be watered. Sometimes I wait two weeks (depending on weather conditions that affect moisture levels).
To gauge whether it is ready to be watered, I stick my finger in the dirt about 3-4 inches to see if it feels dry. If I feel any moisture then I’ll wait a couple of days and check again. I’ll also lift the pot to feel if it is still heavy from the last watering.
If it feels like it has dried out then it’s ready for water. I like to water mine in the sink (although this gets difficult with large plants). Keep a pretty indoor watering can around to remind you to water as needed.
Some people like to use filtered water for their plants, but I use the good old tap water and it’s been fine for me! Run lukewarm water in the pot and really soak the whole top area of the soil.
I fill the pot with water, let the water drain down and then fill it again, really soaking it. I leave it in the sink to drain completely (it takes an hour or so) and then return it back to its spot. If you have a huge fiddle leaf and you cannot carry it to the sink, you can still give it a good watering.
Pruning & Propagating
Did you know you can make new fiddle leaf babies from cutting a branch off of your tree? I love this about the fiddle leaf tree. It’s the plant that keeps on giving! Pruning your tree will promote horizontal growth. The tree will actually grow more when you prune it.
I didn’t believe this until a local nursery worker showed me how and then showed the results. The spot where you cut will split into two new growths. If your tree is looking a little spindly or top heavy, then it might be time for a trim! A small pair of pruning shears is all you need!
To prune, find where a leaf connects to the tree (also called a node) and cut right above the leaf. I like to have my cuttings have at least 3-4 inches of bare branch on the bottom and a few leaves in the top. Once you cut if off, stick the cutting in water and place in sunlight.
Throughout the weeks, the branch will start growing roots. It’s an amazing process! You can pot your cutting once the roots have grown a little bit (I like the roots to be at least 3-4 inches long before I pot it).
This process can take a month or longer, so be patient. Change the water about once a week so it stays fresh. Follow the same potting process noted above and you should have lots and lots of fiddle babies!
If you haven’t given this plant a try then I hope that you will! It adds a bit of whimsy and happiness to any space it’s in.
If you’re really sure you don’t have the green thumb needed for live plants, or don’t have the light necessary to keep one happy in your space, try a faux fiddle leaf fig!
We love mixing in faux and real plants throughout the house so we can get the benefits of both where needed. xo. Janae
My FLF has a couple of new leaves that just came out with brown spots on it, what does that mean?
It is not a good idea to place pebbles or rocks in bottom of pot. They cause water to pool around the rocks then roots are drawn to this water and root rot sets in. It’s best to use a fast draining cactus soil mix so roots aren’t setting in water. I have eight Fiddle plants and have them potted in Black Gold Cactus soil mix. I’ve been growing these plants for five years now.
Do you have “shaping” tips? My FLF is two or three years old, and it’s very tall (over four feet), but it doesn’t branch. It has leaves down the whole length of the trunk, but no branches. Maybe I over fertilized it in the beginning? Wondering how to make it look more like a tree rather than a stalk with leaves.
Hi, I’m having the same problem. I don’t know what to do. I bought it at publix over a year ago, it was barely a foot tall. Now it’s over four feet tall, but with no branches. I have repoted it twice. I had prune some leaves at the bottom, but never branched out. Now it’s just a long stick with leaves and starting to bend. I hope someone can share some good tips. Thank you 😊
Try dead heading
I tapped the link for the cactus/palm mix and it took me to rocks lol can you reattach it?
I’d love to have my new little FLF in my bedroom where it gets a lot more humidity because of the shower and will remain close to the window. But we sleep with a fan on at night all summer. Will this bother the plant?
what do you recommend to protect your floors, indoor space from the drainage? I don’t see anything under the fiddle leaf to collect the water
You can put a tray under it
plant can easily survive up to a week without water. Still, it is not recommended by the way.
My only concern is will this affect my flooring and will it actually mess with it.
I have mine on a plant stand from Amazon that is adjustable for diameter and height. Then I use a plastic tray and a decorative pot. Saves floor and looks nice.
These are amazing tips. Can you please tell me why you opted for the lukewarm water. I am bit confused about this.
I think “not cold” is what she means
So many comments I didn’t read them all so I apologize if this has been addressed. When I water my FLF it drains out super fast. By the next day it feels dry again. Hasn’t been a problem until recently. The leaves are drooping and they actually feel dry. Any suggestions on what to do?
The soil is compacted and needs to be aerated. You can use a chopstick or a wooden skewer to gently loosen the soil around the roots, kind of poke it into the soil and give it a little wiggle.
Thank you so much for your article! I realized I planted my tree in perhaps too big of a pot. The original plastic pot looked too small since the tree couldn’t sit up well with it. It was 13 inches in diameter but I went to a 21-inch terracotta pot. I realized I should have probably bought a 16-inch terracotta pot to prevent root rotting. I also didn’t put rocks in which I regret! Should I repot ASAP or will I shock the plant? I repotted it yesterday.
Please let me know your thoughts and when I should repot! <3
Yes you only want to use a plant that is max one inch larger than the original
what do you recommend to protect your floors, indoor space from the drainage? I don’t see anything under the fiddle leaf to collect the water
You can purchase plastic saucers for your plants that are a terra-cotta color or you can purchase clear plastic trays to put under your plants. Both will protect your floors and window sills. A ceramic tray saucer will absorb water and can damage your floor. Glazed ceramic saucers should prevent water from seeping through as well if you want something to match your pot.
How long can this plant survive without water? Am a traveler guy and the part of my work is mostly out of the homes for at least 2-3 days.
Don’t worry, the plant can easily survive up to a week without water. Still, it is not recommended by the way.
In monsoon days, do you recommend giving rainwater to fiddle? Just asking if its good or bad for the health of the leaves..
Rain water wont be a problem i think. Its even natural to the plant.
how do you water your fiddle fig when you are on vacation? I‘ll be gone soon for about 3 weeks and don‘t have anybody watering it for me whilst I am away. Any idea?
Before I leave for vacation (right before departure) I put ice on the soil because it takes days for them to melt depending on the warmth in your place.
Can I plant my Fiddle leaf fig out doors? Will the roots be a problem in the ground?
May I ask where you got the cream and brown basket in the first photo? I love it and that would be perfect for my tree. Thank you!
When I moved into my house, someone left this ugly plant behind. I never saw one like it before but I took an immediate dislike to it and decided to get rid of it. That is so unlike me but I really hated this plant. But nobody wanted it because it was ugly. It was summer and I left it in the yard on the north side. It rained a lot the next couple of weeks but it just wouldn’t die. But God it was ugly. It had one long stem and a few small leaves along the side. It was about 2 feet tall. I finally took pity on it and brought it inside. I put it upstairs where I didn’t have to look at it in front of an east window. I watered it about every 3 weeks. It didn’t die and began to grow little leaves along the side and on the top. It got little bumps under the leaves (I think they were bugs), some leaves turned yellow and dropped off but it didn’t die. It’s still spindly and now about 3 feet tall. I just found out today what kind of plant it was because it doesn’t look anything like the pictures here. I recognized the leaves. Just one long stalk tied to a stick with little leaves. I am now committed to making this plant beautiful. It obviously will never die because I moved into this house 12 years ago and have done nothing for this plant except water it. I never even repotted it. So I’m going to prune it and see what happens. I want it to be bushy and become a beautiful plant. Wouldn’t it be ironic if this is what kills it?
FIDDLE LEAF FIGS are difficult to maintain, need constant attention and need frequent sunlight with water. thanks for the tips to tender care them.
I think the first tip is really bad advice. Bringing a plant into a new environment is really stressful, so you should let it acclimatize before you add the additionally stressful repotting step. The solution? Buy a ceramic or terra-cotta pot big enough to slip the plastic pot inside.